She's made it half way around the sun, half a year old, and all I can think is has it been that long already? It was my turn to take Ava for her 6 month well baby check up at Chester Peds. Her measurements were right on track. She is in the 95% for her height and between the 50th and 75th % for her weight and head circumference. Dr. Polensheck (whom we LOVE) says she's a tall, lean little thing and is developing just fine. The poor thing had to get 4 vaccinations that day. The first was oral, which she didn't seem to mind, but the next three were shots in the legs. You would have thought she was being attacked with as loud as she hollered. I felt so sorry for her, she went from "life is grand" to "WTF, Mommy that nurse lady is trying to kill me and your just letting it happen!"Ava cried from the moment she got the shots clear home - which is an hour away! By the time I finally got her back to the house I was the one that needed a shot!
Ava broke her first two teeth this month and learned a new trick. The days of putting Ava down and knowing she won't go anywhere are done, our lives just got way more interesting. This month Ava learned how to roll. She's like a little barrel. You'll put her down in the middle of the room and a second later she's made it off the blanket and across the room.
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