Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week with Granma & Nenny

Deb got a condo in Williamsburg for the week after Ava's baptism. The kids turned in to mermaids with Granma & Nenny! Wyatt LOVES his new swim shark, it's given him great confidence in the water. Plenty of fun with the cousins... My kids are living the life! Is it wrong to be a little envious, I was a work when all this fun was happening ;)
Wyatt and his shark!

Ava is 9 months today!

Cute picture, thanks Nenny!

Today Ava is 9 months! Just this past Thursday she started to crawl - she has barrel rolling and army crawling down to a science now. Wyatt's toys will never be safe again! She's eating stage 2 baby food and holds her own bottle like a champ, which I'm thankful for as it frees up a little time in my day. She is baby talking all day long, usually with happy little coos. Her nap times are a little sporadic still, but I think in the next month or two we should find more of a pattern. Her funny faces keep us laughing, she got one going now with her bottom lip poked out as far as it will go making her look like a little old man. I love this girl!

A Very Special Dress

October 16, 2004
June 9, 2013
Months before Ava's baptism I mentioned to Deb how nice it would be to use my wedding dress to make a christening gown. Leave it to my Mother-In-Law to make a dream become a reality! She took my gown to a dressmaker in PA, who use the fabric and transformed it in to a beautiful little dress custom for Ava.

Ava's Baptism Celebration

On Sunday, June 9, 2013 our Lil' Peanut was baptized. The day was full of precious moments and the fellowship of friends and family making for a wonderful celebration.
Getting Ava dressed for her big day.
Me and my Ava Bean
Ava's Godmother "Nenny"
putting on the final touch,
a beautiful little cross!

All ready for the Baptism... Ava was wonderful through out the whole service. She was making happy noises all the way up until Father Michael dripped the water over her head. Can't say I blame her for that :) Mom held Wyatt up front so he could see all the action. To be honest I think the whole ceremony just confused him - he gets yelled at during bath time for doing what Michael did to Ava and yet we smiled about it!

Here We Go...
The Moment
Ava & her Godfather Jabo

After the service we had friends and family over to the new house. Between the preparation on the house like getting the pictures hung on the walls and the deck built, to having the house full of happy voices and laughter all weekend. Having a party FINALLY made this feel like home! 

Ava & her Godparents
Beautiful flowers by my talented Mom!
Yummy food my family helped prepare -
Without their help we never would have pulled this day off!

Wyatt and his Grady sitting on the new back
deck Grady built for us just last week!

Ava with the Sturts
The End