Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday 'Peanut'

Time: 12:30 - Got some relief from the epidural. God's gift in lieu of Eve screwing this up for the rest of us. Nurse and Doctor Bendhelm seem to think this is going to go fast. Now I'm getting really nervous - Wyatt was ENORMOUS and his delivery was AWFUL on me.

Time: 3:25 - No turning back now. They perp the room get me set and its time to push. I was shaking uncontrollably. Not sure if it was the drugs or my nerves. The room was dim and everyone else was very calm. PUSH! After every push I looked up at John. I could tell things were progressing quickly because I could see the emotion on his face. It was beautiful. John said, "It was cool getting to see a miracle once, let alone twice".

She is beautiful! A tinny little princess at 7 lbs. 4 oz., 20 inches long. They put her on my chest and my first thought was she looks like my Marnier :) Tears, happiness, love, relief, it's amazing. I am so blessed to be her mother.

Now with our beautiful baby girl in arms. What are we going to name her? With a little consideration John said I think she looks like Ava, I thought on it another moment, studied her thoughtfully and decided, YES! 

Ava Lynn Marshall

AVA: In Latin means 'pretty; delicate' and 'like a bird'. In Hebrew it means 'life', 'desired' or 'radiant one'. 
LYNN: After her Aunt Nenny. Jenny - Thank you for helping John and I find each other. Without your helping hand in those first years, who knows where we'd be.  

After a very little amount of sleep Marnier and Grady brought Wyatt came to meet his little sister. I absolutely LOVE the way it sounds when he says her name! My cup runneth over...

Our little Ava has made it through her birthday with such ease. Her health is wonderful, she's checking out on all her test perfectly. John and I are so relieved, happy and completely exhausted! Here are some more pictures from today- 


  1. Okay, let's try this again (my first comment cloned itself and had to be deleted). It was so amazing to "see" Grandaddy when Wyatt was born ... and now Marnier is clearly present in Ava's sweet little face. What a wonderful gift to us all.
